I have never lived an 'ordinary' life. Rather like a Fairytale where in the end there is a Happily Ever After but in getting there included many twists and turns!
Hello I am Avalon Kisbey! To many of you I am the voice that you hear daily on TikTok and rather intermittently on YouTube.
I am truly delighted to have each of you visit me here. So many of you support me daily through likes, beautiful comments on my posts and then entrusting me with your inner most feelings, challenging circumstances and with your very heart as I read for you.
There are times when I may be the only one with whom you ever divulge and for that I feel truly honoured.
Gifted as a child I had prophetic dreams, could be in a room with someone and feel their illness or emotions as if it were in my own body, constantly talked to my Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides and one that I called Father. I was a pure Channel. Could communicate fluidly with those on the other side of the veil and have telepathic communication with my Granny in times of need.
I believed that all of those gifts weren't necessarily special but completely normal and that everyone had those abilities.
Brought up in a fanatical and highly religious family, by my late Teens I had been sent to marry and for the next 2 decades my life a rollercoaster. A battle within of trying to please others yet at the cost of my peace and happiness.
During that time I felt like I was fully dunked and immersed in this school called Earth, where the test is to have those gifts removed or lessened, the umbilical cord cut, experience the harshness of the world and then stumble to find your way back to Self.
I think of those decades of my life as The Dark Ages.
In order to survive those I had to 'turn off' feeling and I went through years of simply existing.
2010 was a pivotal year for me. By that time others had described me as the Ice Queen, so far from my true nature and where I had been as a child.
When a physical body feels fear and deep anxiety for long periods the Soul may reside close to but outside the body rather than be fully in the body. Not a complete separation but rather a smaller portion of your Soul is with you.
It can experience something called Soul shock and fragmentation. There is a disconnect and that was my experience. As my physical body slowly started to feel safe my Soul was able to reintegrate.
This took years, in which I took dedicated action. Daily Meditation, daily walks in which I slowly started to communicate with my Guides. I had to learn the process of self trust as I had made choices that had not brought me happiness and at that time I made myself a promise that I would never forsake my peace again.
Mindset became huge for me. Before I even knew about The Law of Assumption or Law of Attraction my intuition and inner guidance were showing me that my biggest leaps would come from changing my internal thinking pattern.
Not finding the tools I needed, such as a Journal for daily affirmations I created my own. This was in the years before affirmations and mindset was the hot topic! I found joy and peace in art and design, in creating items for myself such as Oracle Cards and in the early days even my own rudimentary Tarot Deck.
I feel my life has come full circle. The gifts that I had as a child now fully embodied but along with that a deeper empathy, a deeper wisdom with many life experiences.
Jump to today where I actually live the FairyTale. Beautiful people in my circle, 2 thriving businesses, an extraordinary home and more recently a Prince with the most magical of meetings ... One that I will have to share for it is just like a Nicholas Sparks Movie!
Sharing and showing others how I got from merely surviving to absolutely thriving. What did I have to do and How did I do it, this is what I want to share with you.
Either through Tarot, where often it is pure Channel or from Mentorship my desire is for you to become the very best version of yourself, to trust your divine gifts, to embody all of your truest nature and then to go on and create your version of Heaven on Earth.
I know it can be done. I am proof that it can be done.
My love to each of you,
Thank you, Your gentle guidance using your beautiful cards left me feeling uplifted. I have purchased two packs and can’t wait to use them!
Dear Avalon,
Thank you for bringing such authenticity to your website, oracle decks, etc. I see your beauty, your grace, and your truth. You are a wonderful gift to all of us searching for what we believe to be our light, our truth, but not really having the courage to speak it so eloquently… Love & Light Kristin, Divine Feminine, Divine Oracle of Light, Spiritual Warrior, Divine council of Judication, and most of all Divines humble servant to mankind… with grace throughout eternity..